Friday, 29 July 2016

The past few weeks have been, for lack of a better word, drab, boring, incomprehensibly dull, insignificant, and unduly torturous, so much so that I can no longer muster the enthusiasm to partake in any activity that a functioning member of society would enjoy. 

That was a lie, it wasn't so bad, I just didn't know what to write. Well, it's been so long since my last post that I don't even know what to say about what's been going on. I went to China. Yes. I got bitten 43 times on one leg by mosquitoes. Yes. I am no longer capable of finding enjoyment in many activities. To a certain extent, yes. I wish I could just sleep and sleep and wake on the morning of August the Eighth...

Ok I should really stop myself from descending into depressing sounding words and sentences. (I only just realised that Eighth is spelled really funkily, like it ends in 'hth', how cool is that!!! - not very cool I imagine) The fact remains, I kind of want to get started with university life already, back to a place where I have a schedule, where my day is full, where there's always something to be done, even if I don't want to do it. A place where success is standardized. (<- I don't really know what that means, but it sounds deep)

So recently I've been messing around with a couple of problems, foremostly I've been thinking about (but not really doing much about) the 'density of rational points on circles', where a rational point is a point with rational coordinates, density is used in the normal sense of the word, and a circle is a circle. But what is a circle, but an idea, a form! A circle is pure, whereas the cruddy things we draw with compasses are just a representation of it, a shadow of the purity of a true circle... (I'm doing greek philosophy in my first semester haha)

Yeah. Not much to say, because life is much the same as ever. 

^Scott Pilgrim vs the World comic was pretty good, but I have no idea why
I only laughed like once during reading the whole thing, the plot made like 5% sense, I really don't know why I kept reading
The art was good at least
Well not 'good', but like 'to a professional standard good'
Like better than onepunchman webcomic good
not like escher good